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The Year of Writing Dangerously

This has been my year of writing "dangerously." I say this because I have been serious about prioritizing my craft unlike any other year I can remember.

I would say someone is considered dangerous when they become a diligent pursuer of what they are called to be, a fulfiller of their purpose.. It gives them an edge, or cut above those who only "wish" they could and never take action.

It all started in November of 2023 when I set about to participate in NanoWrimo, or National Novel Writing Month and complete the task of writing 50,000 words in one month, but did not succeed. However, what I did do is continue to write BEYOND November, I wanted to see if I could create a picture of what it means to write every day, as I've been told true writers do.

And guess what? I have!

Even if its two sentences, I write. Each day I'm adding to a story that needs to be told.

And as we come back full circle with November only being a few months away, I'm elated. Why? Because I was once a believer that it would be impossible to write every day. I could never put myself in the category of the greats that are successful in accomplishing that feat.

However,. I'm a living example of what is achievable if you commit yourself to what you can and will do.

Dangerous for once, is actually good!

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