The End of the Road..
Well, we're here. The end. In less than an hour 2021 will be another year behind us. I'm truly glad it is. Not that it wasn't worth noting, because it certainly was, but because of the anticipation of what lies ahead.
I've had the opportunity this past week to reflect on how this year has impacted my life professionally, personally, and mentally. The many triumphs along with the challenges. Both have been learning experiences that I will take into 2022.
I look at how I've stretched myself in some areas, but how I've remained stagnant in others. And I know why I do what I do- that alone signals a maturity.
Looking constructively at this year assists me in shedding light on those areas that I fall short. The fact that 2022 is upon us gives me hope of change and growth.
It empowers me to know that although one year comes to an end, tomorrow brings with it the joys of so much more.
In THIS case, the end signals new beginnings.
And I walk to embrace it.
May we all continue to keep going and growLing. Thank you for sharing your journey.