There is so much to be learned in this literary world of sales, marketing, promotion, and actual writing!
These last few months have completely enlightened me on the magnitude of tasks that go into living the life of a creative. My mind is continually calculating next moves on how to promote Furry Mouse, illustration challenges with the next book (tentative December 2021), and the financial investments along the way.
I am eagerly anticipating the arrival of August as there are no foreseeable vending events scheduled. It will give me time to regroup, organize plans and objectives for the Fall, and take my vacation before school begins at the end of the month.
However, today I was left with a statement on which I will probably continue to ponder as I move forward in selling my book as well as future projects.
As a woman purchased my book, she stated:
“I like your book, but I like you more.”
Dickson City, PA- in my mind, one of the most unlikely places for me to hear this, or so I thought. A city that is not very diverse but embraced what I had to offer-an appreciation for literature with a positive message for children. It truly warmed my spirit when the patron made this statement after purchasing my book, but as she walked away, I realized how profound this encounter really was.
And as I continued to greet people throughout the day that passed my table as well as those who made the choice to stop and check out my book, I kept her statement in the forefront of my mind. I observed that people will stop if you come across as approachable and engaging. They can identify if you’re genuine or just targeting them for a sale. And there were a few people who stopped but didn’t buy the book. Yet, I continued to show an interest before they stopped and continued when they left.
Of course, my objective is to sell the book, but I also desire to know the person who blesses me with their time and financial support. They could choose to stop and be at any other table, but they chose mine. They could go to Barnes and Noble to spend their money, but they chose my book today, and at THIS moment.
What an honor that is!
And for that I will always make myself available for a kind word.
You just never know how that impacts someone else’s day.