We are less than a month away from the end of the school year.
And I am at the point where I want to slide into June 6th and not turn back.
Hey, its been a year with very little time to catch my breath!
I lived through a long slew of Middle School drama, ongoing disciplinary issues, being short-staffed, challenging staff personalities, and I haven’t even gotten to my own personal struggles outside of the job!
But here I am again. I am in the final stretch.
If I can just hold on- it will be here...
There is almost something depressing about that though.
Living life waiting for the next “break”- hanging on by a sliver.
Internally counting down to that moment where things will settle and reach a level of calm.
There doesn’t seem to be much joy in living this way.
But that is where I am …until a choice is made to change.
And right now, I’m way too exhausted to even think beyond the next day, let alone the future.
Ah, the life of a educator.
The rewards will and do come.
With patience.
Believe me, they do.
If I can just hold on.
I can actually feel how you felt reading this.